How to Search for an initiative in the” Initiatives” Section?

If you are looking for a particular initiative, you can search for it in a few ways, using the filters” Start Date”,” End Date”,” Type”,” Phase” or” Sub-domain.”

1.Please log-in to your account.
2.Click on” Initiatives,” on the upper-left side of the screen.
3.Select the Start Date, End Date, Phase (current, adopted, rejected, repealed, cancelled) and the Sub-Domain.
4.The platform will filter the initiatives based on the information you provided.
5.If you already know the name of the initiative, a faster approach will be typing the name in the search box.
6.If you want to read more about the initiative, go to the” Open” button.

  1. Once you open the initiative, you can check more details such as: „Summary”,” Initiatives Page Links”,” Initiators,” Associated Files”,” Detailed Description”,” Associated News” and” Associated Initiatives.”

8.Another function you might find helpful is the” Procedural Flux” where you can see the initiative’s status: “Not Started,” “In progress,” “Overdue” or “Finished.”

The user can also search for the initiative he is interested in by ID or by the keyword in the title.