Terms and Conditions

Issue Monitoring SRL, headquartered at Sos. Iancului nr.19, Bl.106B, Sc.B, Et.3, Ap.51, București, Sector 2, the owner of the website www.issuemonitoring.ro, informs you that when you access the website www.issuemonitoring.ro and intend to benefit from the information and/or services provided by it, it is necessary to consult the “Personal Data Protection” section and adhere to the “Terms and Conditions” below. The website is managed for specific areas of activity in partnership with Issues Management SRL, Asociația Centrul pentru Monitorizarea Politicilor Publice și Asociația Centrul pentru Legislație Nonprofit.

By using our Services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully. Our services are diverse, and therefore additional terms and requirements may sometimes apply. For certain services, there are additional Terms and Conditions, and if you use those services, the respective additional Terms and Conditions become part of the service contract you have entered into. Some of our services are available on mobile devices. Do not use these services in a way that distracts you and prevents you from complying with traffic and safety laws.

www.issuemonitoring.ro is dedicated to anyone interested, easily accessible, and comprises materials related to legislative monitoring of legislative proposals issued by the Parliament, Government, and other central and local public authorities. The website www.issuemonitoring.ro contains certain free information that can be accessed by any user, as well as information that requires authentication through an account created by us, under contractual conditions. The website owner has the right to make changes to the content at any time and may unilaterally update/improve/supplement/modify the structure, form, and content without prior notice to any individual. The user is solely responsible both towards Issue Monitoring SRL and third parties/affected individuals/consumers regarding the access, use, and manipulation of the content.

Issue Monitoring SRL will ensure, to the best of its ability, that no materials that violate any legal provision, protected legal rights, good morals, and ethics are published on the website. Issue Monitoring SRL cannot be held responsible for any potential damages and/or disputes arising from the use/reuse, dissemination, and transmission or misrepresentation of one or more parts of the content, in any manner, in violation of the Terms and Conditions and the current legislation.

Services provided based on an account.

To use some of the Services, an access account with a username and password may be required. You can create your own account, or it can be assigned to you by an administrator, such as your employer or the organization you are part of. If you are using an account assigned by an administrator, different or additional Terms and Conditions may apply, and the administrator may have the right to create or deactivate your account.

To protect your account, keep the password confidential. Your password should not contain your personal information when created. You bear full responsibility for the activity that occurs within or through the account. Try not to reuse the account password for third-party applications. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of the password or account, use the password change option.

Access to information without the obligation to register.

The content of the website is intended to inform users about various legislative initiatives and promote the services provided by the operator. Unregistered users may access/use the content of the website www.issuemonitoring.ro only for personal, non-commercial purposes, in good faith. In the case of quoting/printing/reusing the information posted on the website www.issuemonitoring.ro, it is mandatory to specify the source of collection.

Modification and Termination of Service Provision

We constantly modify and improve the Services. We may add or remove features or functions, and we may suspend or completely discontinue the provision of a Service. Where there is a contract in place with you or specific terms and conditions have been applied, the latter will apply. You can stop using our Services at any time, but we will be sorry to no longer collaborate with you. Additionally, Issue Monitoring SRL may discontinue the provision of Services to you or may add or establish new limits for those Services at any time.

The website www.issuemonitoring.ro allows viewing, printing, and using the information on the site for personal and non-commercial purposes. Special provisions or contractual terms apply to information that is available based on an account. Copyright for some information on the site is held by Issue Monitoring SRL. Materials on the site cannot be reproduced in full without prior explicit permission. The content of the site, in all its forms (text, photographs, graphics, software, or logos), is protected by copyright law. The content of our partners is subject to the same regulations. Issue Monitoring SRL may provide links to other websites in the materials. We will ensure the authenticity of the information published, but we do not assume responsibility and are not liable for damages for certain information published on another website or for statements of third parties, quoted in accordance with the rules.

Information about Cookies

Cookies are small files stored on your computer/device. These cookies contain a unique identification number. We may use cookies to record your username/IP to facilitate the connection every time you access/visit our site and to improve the quality of our services. During the process of accessing and navigating the www.issuemonitoring.ro website, information about your internet provider may be recorded. Whenever you access the site from a computer/laptop/mobile phone or any other electronic/smart communication device, it is also possible to collect and store information, including your IP address, the type of search engine, and/or the location from which you are accessing the site, as well as information related to the sections you are viewing. The privacy policy applies to all activities and information related to/contained on our website.

Privacy of Information

We may collect from you or automatically, from other sources (e.g., through the website), and subsequently disclose or disseminate certain information about you or concerning you, including personal data. We may use this data and information collected directly or indirectly for the primary purpose of providing the legislative monitoring service as well as for secondary purposes, such as: to comply with applicable laws, to fulfill our legal obligations to authorities and public institutions and/or investigative bodies, including the proper administration of the provided service and/or for our protection.

MINORS: In the case of minors accessing the Association’s website and wishing to register, they are obliged to inform their parents/guardians/legal representatives, as applicable, regarding these matters in advance, before registering. Minors are obliged to notify Issue Monitoring SRL regarding this matter through any means of communication provided in this document and in the Terms & Conditions. The responsibility to inform their parents/guardians/legal representatives solely belongs to the minor users of the website. In the case of data collection from minors through the internet, the processing of the data of minors by Issue Monitoring SRL cannot be legally conducted without the information and consent of adults (parents, guardians, legal representatives, etc.) expressed for the processing of minor data. Issue Monitoring SRL is not responsible and cannot be held accountable if minors register on the site, place orders, interact with the site without the consent of their parents/guardians/legal representatives, and without notifying Issue Monitoring SRL.

Security of Processing and Personal Data

Personal data collected through the site, either directly or automatically, is stored securely. The operator has taken the necessary measures to ensure the security of processing and to internally ensure the confidentiality of personal data processed through the site. The operator creates backups of the information uploaded to the site to secure the processing and prevent any accidental destruction of this data and unauthorized access to this data. Access to personal data is restricted internally. Updating your data is done solely at your request whenever necessary.

However, Issue Monitoring SRL cannot be held accountable and/or liable in cases of unforeseen circumstances and/or force majeure or in excessive situations that exceed the limits of legality and the necessary efforts made to ensure the security of the database (e.g., in the case of cyberattacks, the placement of computer viruses, etc.).

Personal Data Protection

Issue Monitoring SRL processes your personal data (e.g., name, address, telephone, fax, email) by mixed means for the purposes of ‘advertising, marketing, and publicity’ and ‘providing legislative monitoring services and managing the www.issuemonitoring.ro website.’ You are required to provide your data as they are necessary to achieve the processing purposes. If you do not agree to the processing, the operator will not be able to provide its services. The recorded information is intended for the exclusive use of the operator and is not disclosed to any category of recipients/third parties, except in cases provided by the applicable legislation.

Issue Monitoring SRL processes the personal data of customers, contractual partners, suppliers, and their legal representatives/persons delegated/contact persons (e.g., name, job title, workplace, signature, ID number, email address) by mixed means for the purposes of ‘economic, financial, and administrative management,’ including billing, contracting, and debt recovery. You are required to provide the above personal data as they are necessary and indispensable for processing, and the refusal to provide them makes it impossible to conduct contractual relationships between the parties. The data collected by the operator may be disclosed to our authorized agents and contractual partners and, if necessary, to competent public authorities, in accordance with the law. Processed data may be transferred abroad and stored in the Cloud for security reasons.

Specific Rights. Exercise Procedure

You have the right to access your data, intervene in your data, and the right not to be subject to an individual automated decision, including the right to appeal to the judiciary and/or the national supervisory authority (www.dataprotection.ro). You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and to request their deletion. In the case of data processed for advertising, marketing, and publicity, you can object at any time, without justification or cost. To exercise these rights, you can contact the operator in writing with a signed and dated request sent to their correspondence address (Str. Sos. Iancului nr.19, Bl.106B, Sc.B, Et.3, Ap.51, București, Sector 2) or via email at the address [email protected].