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The authorities issue approximately 4500 laws annually. We make sure that you don’t miss any law that could impact your business activities.
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You have many topics to keep track of, a small team, and limited time. Take back your time and reduce stress by digitizing legislative monitoring!
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We help you make sense of Romania’s eternally unpredictable legislative process. You will only receive news related to the domains that interest you.
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Live legislative monitoring
Set & forget: you just need to set the domains you want to monitor, and then you can forget about the stress of missing any relevant information for you.
Context, not just normative acts
You’ll receive summaries of public debates and statements from the press. As a bonus, you’ll get synthesis reports in both English and Romanian, making it easier for you to share them further.
Follow the whole legislative route
Issue Monitoring is like a GPS for legislative acts: it “guides” you through the journey from the initial form of the law, debates in committees, possible constitutional checks, or requests for reexamination. You will always know at any moment in which stage the law of your interest is, so you can plan your business strategy in advance.
Codes for each law
If it’s at the Chamber of Deputies, it’s a PL-x (Draft Law – x). If the bill is at the Senate, it’s prefixed with ‘L’ or ‘B’. We work in an organized manner, that is, we keep the original codifications for each draft law to avoid any confusion.
The latest legislative alerts
Ordin MF nr. 255/2025
MF Order no. 255/2025 regarding the regulation of some aspects of accounting reporting
Proiect ordin ANRE
Draft ANRE Order on the approval of the Methodological Norms on the exemption from payment of regulated tariffs applied by network operators in the electricity sector for stored electricity extracted from the network
PL-x 4/2025
Draft Bill for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 153/2024 on the establishment of measures at the level of the central public administration
PL-x 668/2024
Draft bill for the amendment and completion of Law no. 163/2021 regarding the adoption of measures related to IT and communications infrastructures of national interest and the conditions for the implementation of 5G networks
Proiect Hotărâre AEP
Draft AEP Decision on the manner of promoting, distributing, publishing or editing political advertising materials used in the electoral campaign for the 2025 Romanian Presidential elections
Ordin MMAP nr. 405/2025
MEWF order nr. 405/2025 to amend and supplement the Financing Guide of the Program on the installation of photovoltaic panel systems for the production of electricity, in order to cover the consumption needs and deliver the surplus to the national grid, approved by Order of the Minister of Environment, Water and Forestry no. 1063/2023
PL-x 4/2025
Draft Bill for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 153/2024 on the establishment of measures at the level of the central public administration
Pl-x 352/2018
[The formation of agricultural associations] L229/2018 - Pl-x 352/2018 Legislative proposal for the modification and addition to the Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 on associations and foundations
Proiect ordin ANRE
Draft ANRE order amending ANRE Order No. 127/2021 approving the Regulation on the terms and conditions for balancing service providers and frequency stabilization reserve providers and the Regulation on the terms and conditions for balancing responsible parties
Proiect ordin ANRE
Draft ANRE Order for the approval of the General Rules regarding the implementation of market making activity on centralized natural gas markets and organized electricity markets
HG 35/2025
Government Decision no. 35/2025 on the Approval of the Procedure for Applying the Mechanism for Setting and Updating the Gross Minimum Basic Wage Guaranteed Nationwide
Draft Government Decision on the Approval of the Procedure for Applying the Mechanism for Setting and Updating the Gross Minimum Basic Wage Guaranteed Nationwide
Draft bill for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2024 on the establishment of a framework for cybersecurity of networks and information systems in the national civil cyberspace
Pl-x 480/2023
Legislative proposal to supplement Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code
Pl-x 565/2022
Legislative proposal for the amendment and completion of art. 139 of Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code
Pl-x 275/2023
Legislative proposal to supplement art. 139 of Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code
Pl-x 23/2024
Legislative proposal to amend paragraph (2) of Article 119 of Law 53/2003 - Labour Code
Pl-x 148/2022
Legislative proposal supplementing paragraph (1) of art. 139 of Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code
Pl-x 770/2023
Legislative proposal for amending and supplementing Law no.53/2003-Labour Code
Pl-x 586/2020
Draft bill to supplement Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code
Proiect OUG
Draft Government Ordinance on the establishment of a state aid scheme for the exemption of certain categories of final consumers from the application of Law No. 220/2008 establishing the system for promoting the production of energy from renewable energy sources
Ordin MIPE nr.142/2025
MIPE Order no.142/2025 for the amendment of the de minimis aid scheme "Support for the establishment of social enterprises in urban areas", related to the Education and Employment Program, priority: 4. Entrepreneurship and Social Economy, specific objective: ESO4.1 Improving access to the labor market and activation measures for all jobseekers, especially young people, in particular through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee, for the long-term unemployed and disadvantaged groups in the labor market and inactive people, and promoting self-employment and the social economy (ESF+), measure 4.a.2, approved by Order of the Minister of European Investments and Projects No. 5.702/2023
Ordin MIPE nr.141/2025
MIPE Order no.141/2025 for the amendment of the de minimis aid scheme "Support for the establishment of social enterprises in rural areas", related to the Program Social Inclusion and Dignity, priority: P03. Protect the right to social dignity, specific objective: ESO4.1 Improving access to the labor market and activation measures for all jobseekers, especially young people, in particular through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee, for the long-term unemployed and disadvantaged groups in the labor market and inactive people, as well as promoting self-employment and social economy (ESF+), action 3.2, approved by Order of the Minister of European Investments and Projects No. 5.700/2023
Proiect OUG
Draft Emergency Ordinance on amending Law no. 129/2019 for the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as for the amendment and completion of certain normative acts
Proiect OUG
Draft Government Emergency Ordinance for the amendment and completion of some normative acts in the field of investments regarding the electricity transmission network
PL-x 12/2025
Draft bill on the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 138/2024 for the amendment and completion of certain normative acts in the fiscal-budgetary field, as well as for the regulation of other measures
PL-x 4/2025
Draft Bill for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 153/2024 on the establishment of measures at the level of the central public administration
Proiect de lege
Draft bill for the amendment and completion of Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code
Government Ordinance nr. 3/2025 amending and supplementing art. (46 index 2) of Law No. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code
Draft Bill on the amendment and completion of Law no. 129/2019 for the prevention and combating of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as well as for the amendment and completion of some normative acts
Proiect de lege
Draft bill to supplement Law No. 108/1999 on the establishment and organization of the Labor Inspectorate
Proiect de Lege
Draft Bill amending and supplementing Law no. 53/2003 – Labor Code
Proiect OUG
Draft Government emergency ordinance amending and supplementing some normative acts
Proiect de ordin MF
Draft MF order regarding the regulation of some aspects of accounting reporting
Government Ordinance nr. 3/2025 amending and supplementing art. (46 index 2) of Law No. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code
OG nr. 3/2025
Government Ordinance nr. 3/2025 amending and supplementing art. (46 index 2) of Law No. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code
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