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PA Focus Fiscal Evolution

In a period of economic uncertainty, with a budget deficit nearing 8% and the looming risk of unpopular fiscal measures post-elections, companies are facing significant legal and fiscal unpredictability. This article delves into the major legislative changes adopted in September:

Tax Amnesty and Incentives for Compliant Taxpayers

This month, the government adopted a controversial emergency ordinance aimed at addressing the budget deficit by introducing a mix of fiscal measures, including a tax amnesty for overdue liabilities and a reward mechanism for compliant taxpayers…

Read the article published in Romania Insider.

Nouă lege privind deșeurile din construcții: Ce înseamnă pentru România

România se pregătește pentru o actualizare legislativă semnificativă, menită să transforme modul în care sunt gestionate deșeurile din construcții și demolări. Această nouă propunere legislativă reflectă eforturile țării de a se alinia la directivele Uniunii Europene și obiectivele Pactului Ecologic European (Green Deal), scrie Eusebiu-Valentin Stamate, Senior Public Policy Analyst – Energy & Environment @Issue Monitoring, într-un articol publicat pe LinkedIn. Expertul explică ce ar putea însemna legea propusă pentru industria construcțiilor și gestionarea deșeurilor în România.

Citește tot articolul aici.

Romania’s economic landscape shows mixed signals in 2024. While inflation is falling, it remains the highest in the EU. Industrial output and consumer prices are comparatively low, and tourism is rebounding. The World Bank forecasts moderate growth, but challenges persist with fiscal policies, e-invoicing implementation, and preparation for potential Eurozone entry.

In the past month, Romania has seen significant legislative changes, particularly in the field of taxation. Let’s delve into the most significant ones here.

PA Focus May
The fiscal landscape of Romania witnessed significant changes in May 2024, marked by legislative amendments and proposals that could reshape the country’s tax regime. This article delves into the key developments of the month, ranging from legislative reforms to prospective shifts in taxation policies.

May’s fiscal review centers on pivotal legislative alterations and anticipates future regulatory trajectories. Notable highlights include the enactment of Law 126/2024, introducing substantial penalties for tax evasion while decriminalizing offenses below €1 million upon restitution to the state. Additionally, proposals such as maintaining a flat tax rate for a decade and raising the gross minimum wage signal potential shifts in Romania’s fiscal landscape.

Read the article on Romania Insider.

Issue Monitoring este o platformă modernă de monitorizare legislativă, pusă GRATUIT la dispoziția ONG-urilor, și o soluție pentru creșterea și consolidarea capacității organizațiilor nonguvernamentale din Romania de a coagula interesele cetățenilor si de a îi reprezenta în relația cu autoritățile publice.


Află mai multe despre campania GRATUITĂ pentru ONG-uri și cum te poți înscrie pe platformă…

In recent decades, society has made considerable progress toward inclusion and diversity, and this progress is also seen in the professional environment. The integration of individuals with disabilities into the workforce is not only an ethical necessity but also a valuable opportunity for companies and their teams of employees.


Read more about how we try to do our part by integrating people with disabilitites in IM team…

aplicație monitorizare legislativă
With an average of 4,500 regulatory acts adopted annually, the only option for entrepreneurs is to adapt to the legislative scene to remain relevant. „Information means power” – the power to react at the right moment, making predictions and sustainable strategies. To enjoy this power, entrepreneurs need an ally who can bring order to the legislative chaos while they focus on what matters, and this ally’s name is Issue Monitoring.


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După mai mulți ani petrecuți în administrația publică, alții lucrând alături de ONG-uri, dar și în business, fiind consultant de public affairs pentru o firmă de profil, Octavian Rusu și-a dat seama că are nevoie de ajutor pentru a ”răscoli” tot volumul de informații legislative. Așa că a creat o soluție care să-i fie de folos, dar și altor actori care au nevoie de informații relevante privind modificările legislative pentru afacerea sau organizația lor.


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